Today’s feature goes out to Momma Bear. I’ve been trying to find the words to express my love and gratitude for her…but the words won’t seem to come out. I was only 18 years old when she passed and was in 7th or 8th grade when she was diagnosed with cancer, so there were more silent comforting moments that I remember with her. Even though we didn’t have many long conversations, I was always observing her from afar because I knew she was a hard worker but at the same time I was just a kid and very soft spoken, so I didn’t know how to express myself or ask the questions that I wanted to ask-
She was my number 1 fan during my soccer games and was always supportive with the activities that what I wanted to pursue outside of school. During car rides, we listened to KIIS FM and Coast 103.5 often, so there are certain songs that remind me of her because of that. Whenever I see her in my dreams, she’s always doing something and is never still- She’s usually walking around the house in a fast pace, trying to finish her tasks before leaving the house. Having to raise 3 boys, there was always food and snacks that needed to be prepared or clothes that needed to be washed and set for our sports activities. In some of these dreams of her walking around, I get to enter them and it feels like present day…But she’s talking to me as if it’s 20 years ago because she’s telling me to change my clothes and get ready… and to do this and do that, so we can leave the house on tim. I still have yet to have her visit me where we’re both sitting down, talking face to face- I guess only time will tell if I ever get that opportunity.
However, there’s 1 particular dream I have of her…In this dream, I was the one walking around and she was the one standing…just following me with her eyes, not doing anything. I asked her why she was staring at me, and she just says, “Nothing,” with a big smile on her face. The dream ends and I wake up. When I quickly recap the dream, it’s the same look she’d give me on the days that she was proud of me when I was a kid. That dream was earlier this year and am thankful for it.
Lastly, I wanted to talk to you about this photo that I posted. This was taken at our home in La Verne, around 2000-01- I was a sophomore in high school at the time. I don’t remember where we went on this particular day except that Mom, Dad, and myself left the house to visit someone. Mom was sick and had to stay home most of the time, so Dad decided to bring his camera out that day to take a few photos of us before leaving the house. As you can see, Spicy was a big part of our family, especially for Mom, to spread positivity and love in our home, so it was only right to include her in this post with Momma. For those who don’t know how Terrier dogs are, they are very hyper but very smart, so our family shared a lot of funny moments watching Spicy run around the house like a crazy girl…Thank you for those funny memories with the both of you.
Thank you for taking the time to read this! See you tomorrow.
Much love,